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What are our customers saying


Trima Events dealt with the delivery of our conference in a highly professional and organised manner, they clearly knew what they were doing from beginning to the end of the entire process. Whatsmore, they were a delight to work with.

James Thornberry

Director, Sense International

Throughout the entire process Trima Events has consistently provided us with a highly professional service. Reliable and friendly, Trima have been of invaluable support to deliver a highly successful conference.

Gill Morbey

President, Deafblind international

Prima colaborare cu TRIMA EVENTS am avut-o în anul 2013 când, la București, B’nai B’rith Europa și Forumul B’nai B’rith Dr. Moses Rosen Romania au organizat proiectul “Podurile Toleranței”, un proiect dedicat “Anului cetățeanului european”... De menționat că în colaborarea cu TRIMA EVENTS orice partener este multumiț de raportul calitate preț. Forumul B’nai B’rith Dr. Moses Rosen Romania este hotărât să aibă un parteneriat pe termen lung cu TRIMA EVENTS, pe care o recomandă pentru serviciile de calitate, echipa de profesioniști și experiența în domeniu.

Jose Iacobescu

President, Forum B’nai B’rith Dr. Moses Rosen, Romania

As president of Academician Nicolae Cajal Foundation I signed a long term agreement with Trima Events since 2006 for: Association Management Services & Congress Management Services (Trima Events is in charge of the full management of our Annually International Congress). I hereby sincerely recommend Trima Events for any of the above services, they know how to develop and maintain long term partnerships.

Dr. Irina Cajal – Marin

President, “Acad. Nicolae Cajal” Foundation

It is a pleasure to confirm that Trima Events implemented for Abbott Laboratories projects in a cost effective manner to our good satisfaction. Between May 28th – June 2nd Trima organized in Mamaia – Constanta, on the Romanian Black Sea Coast, a Regional CEE Meeting gathering Abbott colleagues from all around Europe and a Customer Presentation...During the preparation period and not only they came up with professional suggestions, quick answers to all our questions and requests creative solutions to crisis onsite issues. Abbott Laboratories is pleased with the work of Trima Events therefore the cooperation continues with other projects as well.

Claudiu Totir

Abbott Molecular

It is my pleasure to herewith confirm that Trima Events implemented two projects of the Embassy of Switzerland in Romania to our full satisfaction and to an excellent cost-benefit – ratio.In 2008, Trima Events organized a public viewing of the opening match of the UEFA EURO ’08 and ran the VIP SWISS HOUSE, a VIP tent on the Piata Constitutiei…The Swiss Embassy was very pleased with the work of Trima Events. All the deadlines were kept, the services were provided in time, the tent looked wonderful, all questions were answered fast and all problems solved immediately. I can recommend Trima Events for any other partner for any similar event.

The Ambassador of Switzerland

P.O., Simon Geissbuhler, Deputy Head of Mission

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